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With this class, it is basically a foundation to learning about sport and recreation management; gaining and appreciation for and discovery of opportunities that exist in the public, private and non-profit sectors. Though I will focus more on the Canadian Sport Delivery System do touch on other models in the US and the Commonwealth.

Here is a great photo featuring Stacie Anne Smith who I worked with while at Spartan Race Canada She is a CS4L champion like myself committed to Physical Literacy.

“PL” or “P-Lit” as I like to call it sometimes is also a 2nd platform of mine for my trustee campaign behind Mental Health. I’m attacking issues at the grassroots level through my platforms that will not only make Wards 6 & 7 better, but the region of Windsor-Essex County as a whole. Working with children at the primary or “grassroots” level will help them down the road become great community leaders and contributors to our society.

Overall, I’m highly interested and committed to providing and enhancing student-centred experiences that provide academic, spiritual, physical and socio-cultural components that make children better!